Meet Abigail: Navy Veteran and Successful Nursing Student

The Veteran’s Affairs office has been incredibly helpful with figuring out how to use my benefit. And the nursing advisors are great at making sure you know what your next steps are to stay on track.”

Abigail Weitkamp, a Navy veteran, chose HACC because it was close to home and for the Nursing Program.

She chose nursing, because she was previously employed as a nurse’s aid at a local hospital and discovered her level of interest.

As an older student, she likes the diversity among her classmates. Plus, she said, “HACC is one of the few schools that has a VetSuccess on campus counselor that is readily available to answer questions and give support to veterans. The Veterans Affairs office has also been incredibly helpful with figuring out how to use my benefits.”

One of Abigail’s greatest personal achievements was serving in the Navy from 2012-16 and completing a full deployment and half of another deployment. She was stationed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and had the opportunity to participate in two Pearl Harbor Day ceremonies. She is proud to say she earned her Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist pin within six months of getting to the ship.

After graduating from HACC, she plans to transfer to Penn State Harrisburg to obtain a Bachelor of Science in nursing.

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Meet Student Abigail