Harrisburg Promise Participants


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The Harrisburg Promise program will recruit seventh grade students from Hall Manor, Hillside Village, Hoverter Homes, MW Smith Homes, William Howard Day Homes and neighborhoods in the Steelton-Highspire School District and follow them through high school and post-secondary education at HACC.



Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher while in the program and provide proof with report cards. In addition:

  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco use will not be tolerated.
  • Students of all races and socioeconomic levels will be welcome to participate as long as they meet program requirements.

Parents and guardians who are interested in their children participating in the Harrisburg Promise should contact:

Melinda Fraker de Fonte
Assistant Director - Corporate and Business Services
Workforce Development and Continuing Education
HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College
One HACC Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Email: mmfraker@hacc.edu  
Telephone: 717-780-2577

The Harrisburg Promise works with our internal and external partners to offer to the students career awareness, career exploration and college-readiness skills. These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • An end-of-summer picnic at HACC to set goals and expectations for the academic year
  • Monthly visits to HACC’s Harrisburg Campus for a series of planned events, ranging from career exploration to financial literacy
  • An annual visit to a company to see the real world first hand and increase the students’ career options

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Harrisburg Promise 2018-19 Workshop Schedule

Workshop Schedule: 4:30-5:30pm Theme
Wed. 10/10/18* SMART Goal Setting and College & Career Pathway Development
Wed. 11/7/18* Business & Industry Career Exploration Fair
Wed. 12/5/18* Life & Student Skills for Success 
Wed. 1/16/19* Diversity & Inclusivity
Wed. 2/20/19* Financial Literacy
Wed. 3/20/19* HACC Club Fair & Interactive Campus Tours
Wed. 4/17/19* Community Service Project
Wed. 5/15/19* End of the Year Celebration: Geospatial/Mapping Activity
*3:15-4:15pm: Tutoring/Mentoring Study Skills, Language Arts & Math Tutoring


If you have any questions or need additional information, please let us know. Thank you!