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Health Professional (New Fall 25) (3156)

Allied Health
Allied Health

Health Professional (New Fall 25) - Associate in Science (AS) (3156)

Do you wish to be a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, physician assistant, or enter another high-level health profession? If you are planning to transfer to a four-year school to earn a degree that will allow you to apply to a professional health career then this degree is for YOU.

After completing our two-year program and receiving your Associate in Science degree, you’ll be prepared to transfer to a four-year school to earn a bachelor’s degree. We can help you transfer your credits to a four-year school. 

Explore YOUR career with Career Coach! Career Coach is a helpful tool that will assist you in developing a path from your education to the job market. With Career Coach, you can find:

  • Average hourly wages
  • Information about possible careers of interest through a variety of search options
  • Discover what occupations are in demand within the region you select
  • Number of individuals currently employed within that occupation
  • Anticipated number of job openings available – just to name a few! 

Begin exploring your options now!

Our program prepares you with the foundational courses you will need to complete a bachelor’s degree and apply to a professional health degree program. You will take the Science, Math and Psychology courses that your transfer school requires to go on to a professional healthcare degree

This program is designed to prepare you to:

  • Clearly communicate scientific concepts in written or oral formats
  • Critically evaluate scientific literature using online databases
  • Safely conduct laboratory and/or field experiments using proper scientific techniques and equipment to collect and interpret data
  • Apply computational tools and/or analysis strategies to solve scientific problems
  • Utilize the scientific method to solve problems in laboratory and/or field settings
  • View summaries of every course at HACC by browsing our class schedules database.
  • Review our program guide (pdf) to view a list of required courses, recommended course sequencing and program competencies.

Yes! Our associate degree programs are designed to be flexible enough to transfer to a wide variety of colleges and universities with no loss of credit. However, each individual college has its own unique program. We encourage you to select a four-year school as soon as possible. This will allow you to learn the transfer college’s program requirements so you can take the proper classes at HACC.  

You may take our program at any of HACC's campus locations through a variety of mixed modalities (e.g. in-person/on-campus, hybrid, flex, remote instruction and/or virtual learning).

Yes! We offer many scholarships through the HACC Foundation. Each scholarship has specific eligibility requirements. To learn how to apply, please visit

We offer classes in the spring, summer and fall for your convenience. Visit our website to submit your application at any time. Please include 3156 with your application, so you can make sure you apply to the correct program.

Future students, we are excited to connect with you and answer your questions. Please choose the option that works best for you to meet with us.

Current HACC students, please contact our Advising Department with any questions.