Sept. 20, 2007
This October the Gettysburg Campus brings personal and professional advancement opportunities with noncredit classes. Sessions in history, photography and how-to courses will help you enjoy your hobbies and improve your health and safety. Sessions are held at HACC's Gettysburg Campus located at 731 Old Harrisburg Road.

  • History

  • Black Voices of Gettysburg - African Americans made significant contributions before and after the Civil War. Discuss the mission of Clem Johnson, a slave to Francis Scott Key; Lydia Hamilton Smith and the kidnapping of former Virginia slave, Kitty Payne and the role of several African Americans during the Battle of Gettysburg. Also covered is the 1869 visit to Gettysburg by Frederick Douglass. Scheduled for 6:30-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Cost is $29.

    Postal System of the Confederate States of America - For four years, the United States was two countries. Learn the similarities and differences between the two postal systems from 7-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10. Cost is $15.

    Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray - The one-time session examines a relatively unexplored subject. Emphasis is on the military aspects of the war with a focus on little-known facts and diverse viewpoints of the conflict as it affected African Americans. The session is held on 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1. Cost is $29.

  • Personal/Professional Advancement

  • Photography, the Basics - Learn to freeze motion an action photo, show the movement of water over a waterfall and take creative family photos. Also covered are basic camera handling and exposure, composition, lighting and use of basic filters. Bring your film or digital camera that has the ability to manipulate aperture and shutter speed and camera manual to class. Five sessions are held 6-8 p.m. on Wednesdays, Oct. 3-31. Cost is $115.

    Writing and Funding Grants - An asset for anyone who works for a nonprofit agency competing for grants from government agencies, foundations, businesses and individuals. The workshop offers practical tips on how to locate sources, write grants and increase your funding chances. Two sessions held 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 8 and 9. Cost is $175.

    Basic Botany - This in-depth course covers angiosperm plant anatomy (leaf, stem and root), growth, flowers, fruit and seeds. Basic Botany can be taken individually or as a required course for HACC's Practical Horticulture Training Certificate program. Those taking the certificate track develop skills in gardening competence and improve job opportunities in the landscape horticulture industry. The sessions are scheduled 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, Oct. 11-Nov. 15. Cost is $100.

    Getting Started in Online Auctions - Find out how to list your items, determine postage, set prices, capture and add photos and handle recordkeeping with online auction sites such as eBay. Sessions are from 7-9 p.m. Thursdays, Oct. 25 and Nov. 1. Cost is $49.

    Polishing Your P's and Q's - Grammar matters, personally and professionally. Grammar basics are covered such as punctuation, diagramming sentences and subject/verb agreement. When complete you will speak as well as write with renewed confidence. Takes place from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesdays, Oct. 2-16. Cost is $60.

  • Health and Safety

  • Massage for Stress Management - Relieve stress and relax with simple, basic massage techniques for hands, feet, neck and shoulders. Feel immediate relief, more restful sleep and more energy. Sessions are scheduled from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 17-31. Cost is $59.

To register for the rest of these classes (not the AARP Driver Safety class), call 338-1010 or visit

HACC's Noncredit Shopping Cart makes it easier than ever to find and register for classes online. Simply find the course, add it to your shopping cart and then "check out" to enroll in the course. Users receive an e-mail confirming enrollment.

An additional course, AARP Driver Safety Program, is completed through the local AARP chapter and held at the Gettysburg Campus. Registration is through the local AARP chapter. Specifically designed by AARP to meet the needs of older drivers, the AARP Driver Program covers normal age-related changes as drivers grow older as well as license renewal requirements.

Completing the course (no driving) allows a five percent discount on participants' car insurance. Held at the Gettysburg Campus 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays, Oct. 6 and 13. To register contact Bion Merry at 334-5491 or Ralph Fox at 334-3519. Make checks ($10) payable to AARP and mail to Bion Merry, 1493 Hanover Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

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