Late fall classes offer something for everyone
Oct. 16, 2009
Gettysburg, PA – Continuing education classes offered in November and December at HACC-Gettysburg Campus cover a variety of topics from history to writing a column, making herbal tea, art, and the role of guardian angels and meditation.
Classes meet at the campus, unless otherwise noted. Among the courses are:
  • “Geology of York County” offered from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, at a cost of $39. Through PowerPoint slides, discussions, and handouts, students will learn what type of rocks, minerals, and fossils are in the area; why understanding groundwater protection, radon, and sinkholes is important.
  • “Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama” offered 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, at a cost of $25. The creation and exhibition of large cyclorama paintings rose to popularity in the 1880s with American Civil War battles the theme for dozens of these paintings. The Battle of Gettysburg Cyclorama is one of only three surviving examples of the genre in this country. The class covers the history of the art form, American cycloramas and the local one in particular.
  • “Guardian Angels” offered 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5. The cost is $25. This class is an introductory course that discusses the history of angels, language of angels, and the role of angels in modern times. The instructor also will cover how to use a guided meditation and other techniques to communicate with your angels.
  • “Writing a Column” is a new offering for anyone who wants to pursue this form of writing. It meets from 7-9 p.m. Thursdays, Nov. 5-19, at a cost of $59. Students will look at how newspaper columns differ from each other and from other types of articles; select a potential topic for a newspaper, and the style for presentation, as well brainstorm ideas and potential markets.
  • “How to Make Your Own Herbal Tea” is another new offering this fall. It will be held from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, at a cost of $19. Students will experience a variety of teas, explore various ways to brew tea, and learn the basics of blending teas. Samples will be provided.
  • “Black Voices of Gettysburg ” explores the contributions of African Americans in Gettysburg’s history in this course offered 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 14. Their contributions were significant during the war as well as before and after the war. Among the topics addressed in this course are Francis Scott Key’s manumission of his slave, Clem Johnson; the kidnapping of former Virginia slave, Kitty Payne; the role of several African Americans during the battle; and Frederick Douglass’ visit to Gettysburg in 1869.
  • “Colored Pencils Project on Suede Paper” is another new course being offered this fall. This workshop is a chance to discover new techniques and applications for the art of colored pencils. The course meets from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. Cost is $45; students are asked to bring $20 for supplies to class.

HACC offers a variety of noncredit courses with something for most everyone. Go to and click on Noncredit Courses. There you’ll find a list of what’s offered and when at all of HACC’s five campuses, including Harrisburg, Lancaster, Gettysburg, Lebanon and York. The link leads you to the Shopping Cart where you can enroll. Users receive an e-mail confirming enrollment.

For more information, call continuing education office at HACC-Gettysburg Campus at 717-338-1010.
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