Meet Lexi: Future Educator

Lancaster, PA

“Oftentimes people believe the education for a community college wouldn't be as good, but it’s probably better since the classes are smaller and more personal.”

Lexi Smith takes most of her Early Childhood-Elementary Education classes online, but it’s important she also has the option to take public transportation to get to HACC’s Lancaster Campus when she needs to. If HACC were not an option, Lexi said she would not have the funds or the transportation to go to a different college. She knew she didn’t want to start her life out in debt with student loans.

Lexi’s life has been shaped by financial struggles, poverty and “an unstable home life.” Through it all, she said, “These challenges have formed me into a caring young adult, who is aware of her surroundings.”

Now, she is committed to paying it forward through her HACC degree. Lexi said she wants to “express how important education is to children that happen to have similar situations in their lives that I had.”

Lexi wants people to know that HACC offers an education “just as reliable and prestigious” as a university or state college would offer. She added, “Oftentimes people believe the education for a community college wouldn’t be as good, but it’s probably better since the classes are smaller and more personal.”

Explore your career options at HACC. Please contact an admissions counselor to visit a campus today!

